What's the time in Pattaya compared to where you are now?
To find Budget to Executive Condos in Pattaya and Jomtien, Thailand, For Rent & Sale, Click Here.
This is vital to know before you come to Thailand. Did you check your flight time?
Depending on when you arrive you might have to either take a taxi or a bus.
You might also have to double-check your check-in time with your hotel.
Most importantly - you'll have to know if you can adapt to the jet lag!
So what's Thailand's Time Zone?
Make sure you take into account 'GMT+7'
This means that the time In Thailand (or Thailand's Standard Time) is 7 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.
Thailand does not have a DST or daylight saving time scheduled and the time will not change like it does in other parts of the world.
All of the above is the same for the Time in Pattaya.
When It's 6 PM on Thursday in Thailand - it is in:
-London U.K. - England Thu 12:00 PM
-Bangkok Thailand Thu 6:00 PM
-Pattaya Thailand Thu 6:00 PM
-New York U.S.A. - New York Thu 7:00 AM
-Seattle U.S.A. - Washington Thu 4:00 AM
-Sydney Australia - New South Wales Thu 10:00 PM
-New Delhi India - Delhi Thu 5:30 PM
-Germany - Berlin Thu 1:00 PM
-Tokyo Japan Thu 8:00 PM
-Amsterdam Netherlands Thu 1:00 PM
-Stockholm Sweden Thu 1:00 PM
-Rome Italy Thu 1:00 PM
-Paris France Thu 1:00 PM
-Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Thu 7:00 PM
-Islamabad Pakistan Thu 4:00 PM
-Victoria Canada - British Columbia Thu 4:00 AM
-Jakarta Indonesia - Java Thu 6:00 PM
-Helsinki Finland Thu 2:00 PM
If you're looking for a place and plan on staying longer than a month then I recommend checking out Expat Condos. You'll find a range of apartments and condos that depend on what you're looking for.
You can make a reservation and take care of everything even before you arrive. That way you can focus on adapting to the new timezone and enjoy yourself in Pattaya sooner.
Have fun in Thailand!
Pattaya Hotels
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Pattaya Map
Here is a great map of Pattaya.